All members are asked to make a concerted effort to use the logo in their print advertising and also make explicit reference on their websites. Better still would be to include a link to our website. (
Overt reference to the NZTA has numerous benefits to members:
• The logo gives assurance to consumers who may be tempted to look up the NZTA and see what membership requires of members. In this way it distinguishes members from non-members.
• The logo makes a public statement of accountability to the market. This is crucial in raising industry standards.
• The use of the logo symbolises pride in the application of the Code of Conduct.
• The logo can be a source of protection and provides members and consumers an industry-based mechanism for the resolution of conflicts.
Using the logo in your promotional material will begin to associate the NZTA with quality tuition.
The NZTA logo can be applied to material that you wish the parents to see.
The NZTA will also continue to provide “waiting room” flyers that explain to parents what the NZTA is and how that is important when deciding on a tuition provider. We hope you have these displayed in a prominent place so they are available for parents to take.
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